Emerson's Statement Plus
What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters to what lies within us.
Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Beautiful statement by Emerson. It has truth and is relieving. It's not all about what we do or experience externally. More can be said but its best to just let it sink in.
The thinking behind this wisdom is as far as observational and experiential thinking can take us. It is bottom up thinking, meaning one works their way up from observation and experience with no preformed conclusion. In a sense it is a humanist approach, combining science and art and instinct and all that is offered on this plane. (Top down thinking is having a preformed conclusion, ideology, or religion and compartmentalizing reality into that. We are not dealing with that here.)
Returning to Emerson's statement, as truthful at it is, I feel, for us now, more is needed. We are being forced almost out of this realm. His wisdom implies character and sustainability and a certain solidity to one's make-up. I don't feel that is easily available and obtainable today, even if one has a firm foundation. Continuity and stability are hard to come by and we are constantly thrown off balance. Given this it is difficult to have the footing to keep a steady discipline of mind and body and orderly observation.
Fear, anxiety, crisis, even minor and major trauma cause one to reach and squeeze from one's being another connection, perhaps to a higher realm. One needs to connect not in an esoteric sophisticated way and but in an available immediate way. Speaking to the above honestly is such a connection. You are using your everyday means of communicating. There is no patience or energy for anything more complicated.
If this works for a person one has achieved what can be done in these times in my opinion. Even so, life might not change. This might be the high point of a long journey using observation and experience. One has gone as far as one can go. The surprise is that you might still be left wanting. This entails a tremendous disappointment and let-down. A retreat from this two dimensional communication is in order. The blows from life just keep coming Your condition has not changed and relief is still needed. You had hoped it would change things, but it hasn't.
If so you'll have to sober up and just be human. In other words accept reality as you see it on this material plane and deal with it realistically, keeping your long trail of observation and experience in the background. Their conclusions were valuable but you can't lead with them. You can't function in the day to day from that realm. It will be tucked away, you'll know its there, but handling life and the day to day and survival will require more practicality, at least for a time. That is the how things seems to be at the present.