Expensive cars go on
No matter where one is or what you do big cars abound. They’re on the
highways and parked all over. As the world collapses, big, expensive cars
are everywhere.
For These Times |
83. Past
Observations Expensive cars go on No matter where one is or what you do big cars abound. They’re on the highways and parked all over. As the world collapses, big, expensive cars are everywhere.
82. Past Observations Your role At some point life becomes like a game. One goes through the motions, but almost humorously observes one’s self doing this. You role play but the role is not you. One has questioned society, its verities, found them wanting, tried to distance oneself from it, and eventually returns to realize society is the only game in town. With this new perspective, one participates but doesn't identify. You have seen you are much more than your role. 81.
Statement The world For a long time I thought I could cut through, compete. My own train of thought, reasoning and hard earned resources were my weapons. When they weakened I felt the power of your onslaught. Your successes, your money, your confidence, your surety, your numbers were too much, a tidal wave of accumulation. When doubting myself who was I to stand up to you. Your glaring brightness poisoned my vision and path and made it hard to see. Gone was any clear defense or mounted offense. I retreated back into no expectations with only the words 'but there is a God' stamped before my mind and on my lips. 80.
Theology Two thoughts have lasted These two thoughts have stayed with me. Just through observing the world and just through one's experience the conclusion that there is a God can be reached. Thoughtful observation of just a leaf can lead one to the conclusion that there exists a creator. 79.
Principles Principles Principles versus true harmony Usually when an issue arises I approach it with a mental handbag of do's and don'ts. When doing so the minute one senses a violation a judgment call is made and acted upon. Doing so gives the appearance of acting on principle, but actually you are cutting off the unfolding of life. Lately I engage a situation with no rulebook, no preconceived principle, no predigested scale of right and wrong. Then I let the situation play out naturally, and play my part but don't interfere. I use my common sense, experience, intuition, in general my humanity. As the situation reaches its conclusion, the ironic thing is usually one principle ends up standing out, but not how I would have thought. In ways unimaginable, the depth of experience itself emerged into a true harmony, not a man-made one. 78. Past
(Note: While born Jewish I am not observant. However, from time to time I run into Judaism and this time the result was poignant.) Theology Just living causes a deficit The Jewish holiday Yom Kippur deals with atonement and how one has sinned before God. It made me think of the people I have inadvertently hurt, such as my friend Ruth. Just by pursuing my own interests and survival needs I wasn’t there for her or for others as I should have been. I couldn’t help it or avoid this, but even so damage was done. So one needs to receive some form of forgiveness for this. We know by being hurt ourselves how the others feel. There is a spiritual principle that says in this life we are ½ partners with God. He does some of the work and we do some. This is one way to see life. This implies forward motion, building towards a better world and improvement. Yom Kippur relates to another way of seeing life. This is that the very act of living causes a deficit, for time, energy and wherewithal are finite and because of this we are unable to give to others as much as they need. They are hurt by this. Love (even tough love), patience, care and acknowledgment should be there for them but we fall short of providing it. While you are helping one friend you cannot be helping another. We need some time out to be saddened by this and for our need to be forgiven and acknowledge our shortcomings. This could be done various times throughout the year or on a special day such as Yom Kippur. 77. Principles Psychology On the line An old friend and I shared how we both in the past had taken things too seriously. I concurred that a serious reaction to every problem that comes your way is not good. I said I thought I understood why this happens. It comes from one's background and not having needs met in your youth. As such, one is always on the line, everything depends upon the last decision and there is no sense of security or back-up. So for you, it really is serious. However, as an approach to living this doesn't work in the long run. My friend agreed and said it was very true about always being on the line and having everything depend on the last decision. 75. Past Spiritual living The right kind of yearning In meditation, only when your yearning is right will you get to see a brightness. It’s as if you have to be on a certain wave, a certain frame of mind and body, for the light to come in and fill you. 76. Past Approach Considering all perspectives On a TV documentary, a man during his vacation went for a five day hike and camping adventure to seek solitude. It was a quest of sorts for answers. He became lost and injured and things became terribly wrong. He said he sometimes felt, even when lost, that nature was transcendental. At other times he felt and saw the cruelty of nature, and its seeming arbitrariness. What’s interesting is that he accepted this contradiction along with the concept of there existing a maker. To some extent this is what I’m doing, considering all perspectives within the context of there is an above. When one knows there is a maker, one is safe to explore and wonder and consider all varieties of ideas and thinking. There is some truth and some falseness to them all. You are not as vulnerable as before when you were looking without knowledge of an above. Each facet of existence can now be viewed and appreciated for its uniqueness, pleasant or unpleasant, as it exists in time. 74. Principles Health What a paradox I watched a video where a doctor spoke against GMO's (genetically modified organisms) describing their effects on the disappearance of bees. Many of us are familiar with the bee issue. The cause was a mystery but pesticides have been suspected along with other technological applications. But here it is, GMO's. I was too preoccupied to understand the science. Apparently amphibians, such as frogs, are also disappearing. GMO's are worldwide. What I didn't realize and where it hits home is that they also affect allergies which I suffer from along with many others. Previously I attributed it to mold, spores and pollen. But this might be the villain, or at least one of them. The allergies and sinus difficulties can get wicked, as if a foreign substance is inside one's head. It feels beyond natural causes. In Florida the winds blow west to east, from the farmlands to the coast where people live bringing whatever the GMO crops give off. I've heard they are so standardized they can fertilize an acre in about 18 minutes using a planter about 100 feet wide. They have it down pat. In Ireland they're trying to convince family farms to expand and become modern and progress with GMO crops. They also 'infect' non GMO crops around them. Once infected they automatically become a GMO crop. What an ultimate paradox we have. The food for living causes sickness and death. Most people have their heads in the sand about such issues. It seems as if there is just so much people can absorb. But the clock is ticking. |
Steven B. Nussdorf records his lifelong search to find meaning outside of the normal channels. He uses writing, poetry, and drawing to document this effort.Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.