Done deals
Have you noticed, although not all the time, how friends and people in general have no room inside to consider things these days? All the corners in their minds are occupied and preoccupied. There seems to be no room for expansion. Every enclave and crevice in their consciousness is full. They really can't hear that much. They have all reached their finite limits and arrived at their answers. They need you for what they need you for, but anything more is an intrusion. They are, in a sense, a done deal. Human contact no longer penetrates in a meaningful way.
Perhaps there is some symmetry in this. Instead of being pieces of a puzzle with odd shapes and gaps and uneven sides looking to be joined and filled by other pieces, they are complete unto themselves. The total image of the puzzle that was to emerge is no longer necessary. Their individual shape, no matter how odd it is, is who they are and stands on its own.
Given this view of things perhaps a certain wholeness has occurred, albeit not the way that was expected. The boundaries have all been filled. They have gone as far as they can go.
The only change that can occur is for a force, different than all that came before and whose workings are unknown and unfamiliar, to lead these hardened units into a realm where their shells can soften and once again let in some trust.