I'll be putting forth various writings at appropriate times. They'll deal with principles and observations culled from everyday living and moments of profound wondering. Recorded are one person's search for meaning. The attempt is to reach beneath the dogmas and rhetoric of the world to uncover something beyond.
Some writings are refined, some are less so. Time being limited, it is better to have a thought recorded, even crudely. than not at all. The writings will be archived. At times they will be accompanied by a drawing. I'll be using my art as another tool
that can help in this work.
Included is a section of comments from my 94 year old father. We see some things differently, but I find there can be wisdom in what he says. He is still aware and questioning and has the perspective of many years.
In a thousand different ways and angles, the entire effort should lead into a single direction. At the same time of knowing this, it all remains a mystery. For a number of years I have written daily. This is the source of these writings. Also reflected, hopefully more and more, is what emerges from the immediate now.
Give a read, consider, and see what happens. I realize life today is busy and we are inundated. Still, this might seep through. A totality of effort is here and all things are considered. If you choose not to receive these writings, let me know. Otherwise, thank you for your precious time.
Steven B. Nussdorf