Two Parts to Life
(I jotted down some notes to do with this realization. I've written about it before but each writing comes from a slightly different place.)
There are two parts to life. The first involves time and moving through it, a journey of sorts forming a history with a story to be told. What one experiences, learns, and wills into action turns into an timeline of action which becomes this history. All manner of being comes into play. Street smarts, conceptual thinking, crafting, logic, passion, all form the soil from which this emerges. A particular string of events tied together in one person going through their life is one portion of this. They travel from somewhere to somewhere. The story of this journey is first conceived in concept and later described by words.
The second part of life actually leads nowhere. The first part keeps you busy and occupied and surviving while the second part plays out while traveling through the journey, although it has no journey inherent in itself. It is made up of unrelated moments that speak for and stand for themselves. The senses might be perked, or a flash of realization might strike the person, or some experience with a person, place or thing just happens. The moment stands out but the reason is not clear. You just know you experienced it. It doesn't point to a direction, help form an opinion or conclusion, or resolve anything. It just stands on its own, no explanation is needed, and stands independent from all analysis. The only observation one can make about it is that it happens throughout life at unexpected times with for no rationale reason. Even so, its effect is plentiful and profound even though one cannot say why.
Both are the two parts of life.