You’re going to die anyway
Al, a man around forty who I had worked with was rehired at his old position as a parks ranger. He was to make decent money working for the county, was going to have school paid for, and the job basically allowed him to do what he wanted most of the time. His step daughter just had a child out of wedlock and was moving in with him and was going to collect food stamps. His wife had become sick and might receive disability.
Previously we had talked about how the spirit of independence was dying and how people who had come to this country played the system, and how in some places this was almost encouraged. Now my friend, after having had many low paying jobs, said he also had to play the system. It was his way to get ahead, even if it meant selling out a bit.
Somewhere later in the discussion I repeated what I had heard years before, “You’re going to die anyhow.” Implied is there is a price for always playing it safe, or for taking the easy way, or just by living cowardly. It is worth being conscious of.