Systems and understanding
Your depth and breath
So you think you have the whole truth in a nutshell and your steel mind has wrapped around it. Not so, not so. You are traveling too fast to see anything that clearly. Maybe your life is going from 'L' to 'P.' You might know there is a 'Q' or an 'S' but you have not seen them directly. Your experience is from 'L' to 'P.' Even then you are not static or stationary enough to solidify what you see. You can report and get an idea or even make a sketch and maybe develop that, but a totally lock tight system is not for you to have. You are a traveler in a shifting landscape observing only what your eye can see. You know there is an entire alphabet somewhere, and you know something designed it, but between that and what you can observe and experience will always put a ceiling on the breathe and depth of your comprehension.