Spiritual Principles
What is left?
Let’s say there exists a perfect set of rules to follow God by. If you did so your life would be difficult, probably even not work out. It seems as if life itself has its own rules that almost contradict the following of God. In this life it seems we have a script imprinted in us from the start. Our physical, mental and emotional needs have to be met on some level. The following of God goes one way, the ways of life another.
Let’s say an adult young man is gaping at women’s breasts all day. This would be rude, very damaging to his character. While an overactive libido can be understood, as a young man he should not satisfy every immediate desire and learn self-control, otherwise he will have trouble later working, living and surviving in this world. Plus, if he acts on his desires he might have a whole bunch of kids he couldn’t take care of, causing obvious burdens to the society around him. Restraint and delayed gratification have to be practiced. Seemingly words of wisdom.
However, for an elderly and tottering man, this primal urge could be a sign of life, helping him get through the day. We might say the maker would not encourage lust, but in this instance lust keeps life going when all else has failed. To live another day, even in lust, gives one a chance during that day to have some appreciation for the maker.
I remember reading about the Jewish leader Solomon, how in the last years of his life he had 13 wives in whom he apparently lost himself in. Before this he was a wise ruler, fair and knowledgeable. He always had women, but as a younger man he was very active in all affairs of life. At first I thought this was a negative about his character. It implied that he was falling away from God, but maybe not. If one accepts psychology and that all our activities are rooted in sexuality, perhaps Solomon was cutting through the nonsense. It seems as if many elderly men do this. Solomon needed God, but he needed also the distraction, comfort and entertainment offered by some women. It’s almost as if two things were left; the love of God and the love of women, and these two don’t necessarily mesh, but both are here to stay, and everything else is merely a diversion.