Things don’t come together
My friend John K.’s sister, well-built and outgoing, partied and did drugs and alcohol in her youth, married, divorced, had boyfriends, then partied, and never seemed to change. She became ill, recovered and that didn’t change her. She returned to part- time hairdressing. She had a horrible incident at an ATM machine where a thief shot her in the hand and leg fighting for her purse. She convalesced, recovered and returned to partying and smoking. John, whose wife had some money, helped her find an apartment and purchase a car during her rough bouts. Then her ex-husband died and left her some money. John advised her to invest her newly acquired money in gold, and it almost doubled. Later he told me she hadn’t called him for five months. Their relationship had not gone anywhere and she was still self-absorbed and self-involved.
We talked about his sister and one of us said “things just don’t come together.” I always thought at least towards the end, the ribbons would be tied and all the loose ends put in their proper places. This is not how it always works. Things don’t always come together, even at the end.
Found out a couple of years later, her son, through time, had gradually “borrowed” the gold until she was left with practically nothing and she had to move and live with a relative.