The price of security
I've observed this about police and military retirees who have put 20 or 30 years in. Through the years I've run across some in work environments. Often they have trouble reasoning, learning and making decisions. They too often think in a political way, such as how I can I please my superior. To use the vernacular 'sucking up' becomes a way of life. They are always talking about 'covering their b..tts.' How can truth or good judgment emerge from such a mindset? All good thinking gets warped because it is not seeking a real solution.
Perhaps they started out with pure intentions. Their goals might have been to capture the bad guys or defend the country. Eventually however, the political process takes over and they become distorted and are holding on just to receive a pension. This becomes their compensation. They end up with a pension instead of a core.
The army veterans or ex-policemen I like never stayed at it that long. They got into it for good reasons but felt their insides getting sick. After some years, perhaps 5 or so, they had to get out. I ran across such people in the different jobs I've held. Looking, searching, maybe a little lost, no pension for their troubles, but still holding onto their souls.
Of course this is a generalization. Some survive it and do other things on the side and are able to relax in their later years while the ones who left have to scramble. Different occupations have their shortcomings and flaws. This occurs from just the pressure of life and competition. One moves up or down or just stays still and none of that is easy, but it is life. However, rarely is it clearer than with these long term government workers the price one pays for being removed and protected from the natural forces of existence.