Thinking, understanding
The limits of dogs and humans
Our minds and consciousness can't be in two places at once. That is why we get in trouble. When thinking or involved in one line of thought and following through with reason we are not capable at the same time of maintaining the opposite dynamic also occupying our thoughts and thinking. Unless you are rotely reciting the thought, the thought is forming in your mind and it involves all of your essence to bring it to fruition. Again, an opposite thought or just a different thought cannot exist side by side with your thought. Not at the same time?
Hence we get in trouble and have difficulties. Why? Because we are not aware of the whole. We are not aware of thoughts that slightly differ and might be closer to the entire expansive picture that unifies. So we act on incomplete information.
When we see a dog we observe it is responsive through its senses and instincts to what is around it and what it is coded to do. The dog does have feelings of course but we can't help but notice how reactive its responses are to its immediate surroundings. The smells, the fears, the hungers, the noises all affect the dog and he reacts. The same with a cat. A dog that connects with its owner is often reactive to the owner's actions. A cat seems more immediately affected by every detail of whats around it, and it responds or totally blocks it out. We observe them with a larger perspective and scope of reason and thinking and see their limitations.
As humans this thinking and reason also engulfs us. We are responsive to concepts and ideas and reason and mental constructs. Usually when caught up in one we cannot be in another. Just as a dog smells food and is taken over by that smell, we are taken over by a thought or an idea. In both cases the dog and human can't be in two places at once. In this dimension that is our limitation. The animal has its senses and instinct, we have our thinking and concepts. Both are products of this material world and have their limits.
As we see the scope of a dog is limited, God sees our scope as limited. We can only see so much. We can only think or see a limited amount at one time. We can only solve one problem at a time. All the while God sees the whole picture but we just see our 'take.'
Hence we trip and fall often because of this. Sometimes it works because it proceeds one step at a time in time. However often it disappoints immediately or eventaully because it is just one thought process and doesn't see the whole. It might try but something is always left out. We can't change our design and 'make up' but we can be aware of them.