Steps of the spiritual life
There are certain steps to the spiritual life. This, of course, implies that there is a way to live a spiritual life.
First, one becomes awakened to the fact that there is something more than this natural world. This becomes refined until one accepts that there is a person like being that is in charge. After this awakening, one often falls into an acceptable religion or system that offers some guiding rules of behavior. Often it is full of dogmas, some of which are practical and useful. For a time one conforms to their rules, thinking doing so is righteous and good. However, this conformity falls apart after a time. Acting righteous just lasts for so long until it exhausts you and no energy is left.
What one is left with is the knowledge that there is a maker. However, any religious system emerging from this knowledge is suspicious. Appeals, prayer works for a time but more is needed. An intimacy, a one on one is sought and realized. All manners of reaching out to the maker are tried, including talking. Some things are tested and discontinued, some things work and then don't work. One persistently looks and sometimes finds.