Spiritual living
Sharon's revelation
My friend Sharon recently called to invite me over for Passover. She also bruised or fractured her rib, is in pain, and is going for an MRI tomorrow. She wondered if I could come for moral support. My plate is full but I decided to go.
Sharon, even hurt, moves pretty fast and gets a lot done. We were at the ice cold imaging place for an hour and a half. After that we caught a $1.29 baked chive potato at a nearby Wendy’s and then moved on for a practice run through arty places in Lake Worth, Florida where Sharon was going to give a tour for Vassar ladies. The Cultural Council was visited, along with a library containing historic murals, a coop gallery that looked like a coop gallery, an attractive mural Sharon had painted outside of a city building, and the quaint restaurant where they would all end up.
Toward the end of the day we stopped by a 'smoke' shop whose owner we knew and used their bathroom. Still later I replaced a Walmart car battery with another one. Somewhere inbetween we visited one of Sharon's favorite thrift stores and luckily they were having a 50% sale. Normally not a great shopper, I bought a couple of things I needed. One was an attractive lampshade to replace one that was broken at a price of $2.50. A second was two bathing suits that I had needed for a long time for a combined price of about $7 and finally two black metal CD stands that would come in handy. I actually had gotten some things done that day on my 'to do' list.
While in the thrift store Sharon shared a revelation with me. She said previously she would shop there and buy grubby clothing to work and paint in. After all, she was going to mess them up anyhow. Then she realized for just a little more money, or maybe just the same amount, she could purchase fancy clothing, stylish clothing, eccentric clothing and mess them up while dressed very nicely and in classy fashion. A revelation for sure. I was impressed with this creative use of the thrift shop along with the other elements tied in.
Later I thought how revelations come in all shapes and sizes. It's as if they are dropped from above. They lift us to a higher plane where sense is made from what seems to be chaotic and arbitrary. A new relationship is seen. For a moment we have the feeling of freedom that comes from a new and fresh understanding.