Spiritual living
Orchestrated or not
Assuming one believed there is a God, do we assume everything that happens is orchestrated by him? It is comforting to thihk so. Often people say there are no accidents, no chance meetings, and everything happens for a reason. This all seems true.
On the other hand life sometimes is like soup into which we are just another engrediant thrown into the pot. Life often seems to have a life of its own, and often explanations are beyond our comprehension and understanding. Reasons given often seem sophomoic and wishful. LIfe often seems just like life, beyond easy explanations and knowing
So which is it? There is definitey a need inside of me to explain eveything that happens into a grander scheme and design. Is this just me perhaps compensating for some inherent lack? Is it just a neediness? Is it just an immaturity to want life to make sense? Do we accept willingly the uncertainty of it all? Is this uncertanty a truer reality then the dogmas or easy explanations given?