Nothing is there
I've referred to Dave before who used to scan my drawings and hold me hostage while he worked on them. Dave was older and had strong opinions on things that often contradicted themselves. He strongly believed in conspiracy theories, was for returning to certain standards, yet at the same time would combine and forge photographs using photoshop for clients with devious purposes. Anyhow, one day when scanning a drawing we were talking about some political situation and he said, referring to himself 'what do I know.' Strange to hear that from him.
Another gentleman I used to hear on the radio who I'll call P had intelligent insights in psychological and spiritual matters. About the same age as Dave at the time, he had a system of how everything in the world fits together. After giving extensive advice to someone he added 'I'm talking while at the same time I feel as if there is nothing between my ears.'
Finally reaching the age of these men during a restless night my mind mulled and mulled over a certain way of seeing something, then considered an opposite approach, then sifted through about three variations. Finally my mind just stopped the process possibly because of fatigue and partly because everything just canceled everything out. There was nothing left to think about. There was nothing left in my brain. It felt empty, as if I knew nothing and later I thought back to these men and their moment of emptiness, and I knew what they had felt.