Not able to face the day
A configuration occurred that morning. Forces were at work that left me paralyzed. I could simply not move.
Nothing was tragic. It was just an accumulation of things, from the large scale to the small scale. One problem led to two more with no end in sight, no solution seen, just more of the same. Any energy put forth got me nowhere, just like quicksand. So why even move, or budge. It was as if my fate was sealed, with no hope. So truly, why face the day?
Usually something prompted me to get up, whether from just discipline, obligation, or just plain fear. But that day at that time I could do nothing. I could not rationalize, muscle, or push through the barrier. I could do nothing. I had to give up.
Then, out of nowhere my body became infused with a light which tingled through my body. There was no theme to it, no explanation or reason for it. It was just the spark of life itself passing through me. Blood became oxygenated, oxygen was infused, muscles were revived, bones and ligaments fortified, the mind was sparked and awareness and wonder renewed. There was no agenda, no rhetoric attached to this. It was just life, and the force behind it, asserting itself into my being. And so I became able to face the day