Men and logic
Men are basically logical machines; at least that is their natural inclination. They are “yes, no” machines, following or giving commands. They logically align themselves with a goal, a means to get there, and apply effort. Their process is step by step. Logic and reason are the tools. The negative to using logic and reason is they often end up overly refined and miss the big picture. This explains why some men who followed the straight and narrow suddenly take a wild stab in an unknown direction. When logic disappoints they dive into chance.
When we see an ant scurrying it seems to see in just two dimensions; width and length. We can easily see where it is going from our vantage point of height. We see where it's headed, where it came from, and what's around it. The ant doesn't. The same is true for a man. He operates within a certain dimension which does not envision the entire picture.
Women and the whole picture
Women often see the whole picture. Perhaps because of child/birth which puts them in a dependent position, they are very conscious of their security and safety. As such, they are less myopic and linear in their vision of the environment. It is less a case of going from point A to point B and more of viewing the whole picture and seeing where they fit. They have a bigger scope than men, but have more trouble working through a problem from beginning to end. Of course there are overlapping areas but these natural differences should be noted. Seeing more perspectives and angles raises more questions and doubts.
It's as if men operate in two dimensions where as women see the entire picture from a third dimension. However, it could be said because they see from outside of the two dimensions they are less able to function within the confines of those two dimensions. Seeing doesn't always equate to action.