Blurred Lines
Sometimes good and bad are clear cut, but often not. In reality, lines are blurred and situations are gray. Yes, a man who abuses a child is clearly wrong. But what if you are caught at a red light and you respond one second late when it turns green and the car behind you hunks. Another time, in the same situation, you are late and the car ahead of you is tardy so you impulsively hunk. You understand both sides and accept the fact that neither is fully right or wrong. This occurs a lot in life. It is life. One experiences one side and then the other.
So the right and wrong become less important than just somehow surviving an encounter with perhaps a touch of acceptance. There is good, there is bad, and there is patience. Somehow by just being patient we are moving towards something that is good, another dimension, or, if one believes, perhaps a maker. When we hold back from judgment we are moving in the right direction.
In this world we learn from doing what is wrong. From doing wrong we learn to appreciate what is right. On the other hand, doing right just to appear right can be a huge ego trap and little more than a vehicle to feel superior to others. If you are not doing right from the right place, right can be wrong.
So again, right and wrong are less important than the direction in which you are headed.
Comment: 06/13/13
Hi Steve:
I enjoy receiving your writings. Very deep. I have a lot of stuff going on right now , and don t have the time or energy to really think about what you write. Please keep them coming.
Would you mind if I send them on to my girl friend, I think she would really get a lot out of them. I won t do it until I get the o k from you.................
I understand. See it as background music where once in awhile something catches your ear. I recall someone telling me a book or a movie might have one phrase that you were meant to hear and that's it. To your friend it's okay and okay.