Spiritual living
Joe, meditation, God
I have a neighbor, say Joe, who teaches all over the world meditation. We see one another at the pool. The principles involved are watching your thoughts and emotions and not responding to them. Good enough. All other activities in life, whether meditating or not, are to be looked at with hopefully not too much response. The stillness of just being is the deepest answer to all dilemmas as I understand meditation. Joe is constantly correcting himself and others around him, sometimes diplomatically and sometimes not, to not be attached to your reactions of things and in a sense to not pass judgment. Doing so, anger at, resentment for sucks you into reaction which draws you away from your center.
Not much thought goes into the source of all things. Rather you are forever eliminating distractions that divert you from this stillness. Within this stillness one is connected somehow with the source of all things. Since it is hard to remain in this zone most of your energy is focused on this process. I think I understand this and give it value. How to reconcile this with my concept of a personal, caring, loving God is not easily done. They almost appear as parallel universes that one keeps going simultaneously. Well, there's a reason to keep both going even if the dots don't fully connect. Why? Because they might eventually connect even if it takes decades to do so.
Such an understanding came to me. I forget the circumstances or situation or specifics. Probably I was in some inner turmoil which is not unusual. I sat still on the couch, maybe to meditate, maybe to just be still and rest. Something I thought about gave me a ping in my heart. It was a good feeling, something like pure love where you melted, or were sad and joyous at the same time, or overwhelmed with gratitude and had the feeling of being blessed, or thankful and grateful, or peaceful with tears. Maybe all at the same time to the point where you couldn't take it. It was too much.
At the same time there was some connection to God and it was as if his energy was breathing into me. Inhale this God, experience the above inner swelling. It lasted for, oh a second. I didn't run, but repeated this inhaling part of God's spirit again, and then again this melting took place. This went on for maybe 10 times, maybe a little less or more. Then it stopped. It was more than a light. It was as deep as my being could absorb, and could not last longer. I don't think I could take anymore. In any case it wasn't important that I continue. Looking back it imparted a coding within me to understand another level of existence.
This repeated blessing and almost blissfulness received, however described, is what we seek. When one has it everything else goes away, or at least is less important. Nothing can hold a candle to this experience, at least in this life. So here is the connection to mediation and God, the bridge between these parallel dimensions.
When you connect as described with the being of God, all thoughts and distractions fall away. This is also the goal of meditation.. Going towards God and receiving this state of being achieves what meditation eventually seeks but is the actual thing itself, hence more direct. Meditation prepares to go there instead of just being there.
Watching your thoughts and reactions is one step removed from this. You are still focused on what separates you from God. You are focused on a lower state of being, . The momentary rewards of stillness, even stillness with an occasional moment of light, cannot come close to being, however briefly also, with the presence and God and having your heart melt into His.
So the question or mystery had an answer, at least for a time. Answers don't always last forever. But this is a good one. The connection between meditation and God is established to my mind. The cure that meditation seeks for the human mind has to take a back seat to directly seeking the presence of the above. Filling up with God's presence, however briefly, answers your deepest needs . You are connecting with the maker, not just stilling the mind. When you experience this, the mind inadvertently is free of distractions.
I have not been able to repeat this state. Indeed it takes some strength to do so. Some questions seemed to have been answered and other gaps have to be filled and hopefully its time will come again