513. Past
When I first came to Florida I met a lady in her late 80's whose family had been in Florida for a couple of generations. We got along. We liked to talk. She saw me as a wandering Jew and I saw her as a local wise eccentric. We would talk on all topics, particularly the spiritual, metaphysical, and theological. She was Christian oriented and New Age oriented. Some science of mind and astrology were thrown in, so she was a bit of an anomaly. In some ways she was off in her understandings of life and in some ways right on. There was some nonsense intertwined with some gems, so the listener had to be aware.
One day she said “Never underestimate the power of jealousy.” At the time I thought we're all adults, we both know it's wrong to be jealous, both spiritually and psychologically astute, so what's the big deal. Later, after she passed on, I learned its power, both from others and within myself. Jealousy is a powerful emotion.