I have come to realize....
These things I have come to realize.
That there is a presence, an above, a superior intelligence that is conscious, sympathetic and concerned despite all the evidence and experience and logic that points to the contrary.
That everything in this life cannot be taken too seriously. Philosophies are flawed, concepts are flawed, reason is flawed, and principles and ideas are found wanting. They are useful but flawed. Time passing exposes their cracks.
Learned late but nevertheless learned is that the needs of the body and mind require some playfulness and joy as part of their ingredients. To survive for any serious length of time they are a necessity. Their absence leads to rigidity, illness and more.
Finally, to come to any meaningful realizations one has to have some time for stillness, where one is not “on.” This doesn’t mean you have to do nothing, but it does mean you can’t be preoccupied all the time. If this is not done voluntarily, sometimes life has a way to force us to be still. This might be painful but in the long run, needed.