How it works
At first you understand all sides of an issue, plus the subleties. But to move on in life a direction has to be had so you refine one particular point of view. It is true for you at the time. You refine it and even debate with others over it, stengthening your resolve within it. While living it you seem to impress others with it, which confirms to you its correctness. For a time it seems as if you are ahead of your time, on a new wave of understanding as such, and spreading the word.
However, whether it be the times we live in and or human nature itself, others also are strengthening themselves in their resolve and their paths, whether congruent with yours or different. The right or wrong of their beliefs becomes less important than the assertion of them and themselves. Every one has become like checker pieces, all taking up an equal measure of space with equal powers. What happens then is that every move you make is met by another move from someone else whose force is equal to yours. It becomes 'tit for tat' in a sense. All ways from all people are asserted with none dominating.
Correcting others doesn't work. Even helping others is misused. Your giving is received until the person is strengthened to a point where they return your help with contention. It is not presonal. Rather the overall forces existing today push the person to their maximum expansion and selfhood. The individual is enlarged to almost mythological proportions. Within this environment thankfulness and humility are traits that give one a secondary status.
The only way out of this conundrum is to seek a viewpoint that seeks unification, a perspective that unites all views. This can be seen
as higher ground or as a universal viewpoint. Maybe even as a peaceful perspective or an elevated one. You try to embody this way of being. For a time it seems to work. Others seem to be impressed and even are lured to your 'light' and your posture of peace.
However, cracks appear. As the general level of civilization and subsequent behavior and discourse and amenities declines, small and larger aggravations and personal violations become more frequent. Random violations occur both with individuals and institutions and a certain standard of behavior is no longer a given. Granted, redeeming actions are still present as their spirit cannot be squelched forever. They represent the healthy force towards equilbrium. However, they happen despite declining social norms. This includes the family, friends, work, community or lack of, and business and social settings.
As such, a random insult or a lack of manners might trigger a sudden negative response from you. Your newfound elevated consciousness is no match for sniper like attacks on your well being. Stress, real health and financial concerns, erode your peace even as you seek to rejuvinate it. So, a slight or verbal attack elicits from you a knee jerk reaction. You are back in the frey so to speak. Your animal one upsmanship and defense mechanism and fight or flight instincts come into play. You are disappointed with this outcome. It is d let down. This is not a good resolution for human as a whole or your own behavior.
So how should this be seen? The answer at this time is that it is all part of experience and one has to just move through it to the other side. You cannot embody one way of being, even a peaceful worthy way. At times you can represent harmony, at other times you can have a knee jerk reaction. There is also a place for the latter. It is not for you to orchestrate how it goes. If you are haggled you might respond in kind. Othertimes you present wisdom. All things are done and experienced by you.
Once again a larger perspective if garnered from all this. Accepting this state of being brings about a temperance in one's attitude and nature. Temperance in all things becomes our only island of safety. Or another way of saying it is we have to put up with all of it gracefully if possible.