Spiritual Living
No patience for meandering
I was speaking on the phone to my ex wife Maggie and we were talking about the environment and tornadoes and the diminishing bee population. I said we should be all on our knees asking for help, as in my first painting. She then said check out the writer John Michael Greer whom her daughter, a millennial, was into as others in that age group. Curious, I did and learned he was 66, hippyish looking and had founded recenty an occultist druid organization. Ho hum I thought. He was also a strong environmetnalist. I thought the tie in should be interesting.
I then turned to a blog page he had and read a four page essay that was crafted well and carefully and was very engaging and involving. He was a good observer, for example noting many hippies had become Jesus freaks and then moderate Christians. Okay. His basic critique was of positive thinking and preferred to let reality speak to us as it is. He saw many of us as having stories in our minds that we applied to what we saw, instead of just honestly seeing what we saw. True. He saw many well off environmentalists as doing harm rather than good in their approaches to help the earth. I forget hhis reasoning. He also saw his own dichotomy in that in being an occultist he favored imagination here on earth which seemingly contradicts his endorsing objective observation. He kept on writing and built his case gradually.
However, it just became clear to me in writing the previous paragraph I don't remember really waht his case was. I just was left with a general impression that whatever he was for or against and wrote about it was professional and done well but what was he really saying? It became clearer to me he was just stroking himself, luxurating in his own clevreness.
I relayed this briefly to Maggie and said I did not research him after this.. I had lost some patience. She also said that she was losing patience reading certain interpretations, or analysis, or explanations of things. I said maybe some of it has to do with his still being 66. Sounds old to some but around 70 certain things become clearer and patience runs a little thin, contrary to what I thought it would be like. Maggie concurred.
I ended the conversation by speaking brashly and saying I lost patience with his writing. Basically I wanted his conclusion, where he landed, what he understood life to be. I wanted to know 'did he believe in God or not' number one and if he did how does he work that in with how 'sh....t' life has become. I think that covers it all. I wanted to hear his belief and his pain. That's all I was really interested in. Unforetunately, he was still plaiying around.