99. Past
(In this section I discuss various areas that lead one to question and perhaps believe in a maker. This is number 2 in a section of 11 reasons.)
Cruelty abounds
2) There seems to be cruelty in life that is hard to observe. On an animal channel I observed hyenas killing and eating a wildebeest. It was a horrifying death. On another program a story was told of a giant catfish that bit and dragged a child beneath the surface and drowned her.
In some prisons lines are drawn racially. White, Spanish, and Afro-American prisoners form separate gangs, as if integration never happened. Prisoners can be hard and cruel to one another. I pity those who are slightly vulnerable.
In Africa’s Somalia there was no government and youths rule through gangs. It is your worse nightmare. On a road crossing, a gang extracted money from travelers. The rope across the road was made from a man’s intestines. In another African country children were trained to kill. One faction warred against another, and prisoners were asked if they wanted long or short sleeves (the cutting of limbs).
Horrible stuff. This can be a horrible place this world, a land of death. How could one not look for deep answers?