260. Past
Centralized government versus centralized capitalism
I was speaking to Al, a younger friend who is presently working as a park ranger, and he was talking of a “New World Order” coming in. He referred to the prediction in the “New Testament Revelation”. He's usually not biblical. I have studied that chapter and find it terribly inconsistent and not chronological. World control was mentioned by the Jewish prophet Daniel and other prophets allude to it. The New World Order is a favorite subject of the conspiratorial and prophesy minded. However, one doesn't have to be an evangelical Christian to see some type of world unified government coming into being.
The United Nations has been a step in that direction. We went from a colony to statehood to nationhood. To some extent it is the way of the world. When individuals clash, a third impartial party can restore rule. When countries clash, the same applies. If we can't get along, either a third, more powerful entity is needed, or some type of government. The 20th century left us with wars and more wars that just continue. It is understandable to want a unifying force, or a “New World Order.”
However, often people corrupt institutions and these institutions, which seem omnipresent and omnipotent serve and perpetuate themselves, robbing the people of their freedom and liberty, or at least the ideal of them. What's to stop a dictator from taking over, becoming our enforcer and Godlike in his/her eyes. That can be scary. We are almost better off with the chaos and mayhem of anarchy. At least it is what it is.
I made the point to Al. I don't think we need a “revelation” or to be fundamentalist Christians to sense that there might be a culmination soon. It is all around us in every facet of thinking. You might first become aware of this through evangelical Christianity but it's all over the place, in many religions, scenarios, metaphysical thinking and just plain day to day observation.
So, without the dominating force of big government what are we left with, predatory capitalism that has no regard for nations and sovereignty or perhaps a return to small feudal like warring factions? Perhaps all will lead to just mush. Or could society become at its worse one, big, slavery system, with the strong dominating the weak?
We are headed towards a flawed “New World Order” on one hand, or a market place with little government that exploits the people, instead of helping them. All is not quite right whether it be a monster government or a monster corporate system.