64. Past
Caught between two poles
I was speaking to a lady friend and a mutual friend and the latter hinted I
was too serious. I had a business interaction with her a few years
back. She hinted I liked to get into trouble, or at least wished I
could. Hmmm. Interesting she caught this from maybe one or two brief
unconscious stares I had towards her way back then. I said I've always
been too serious and do miss having some fun. The original friend said
that's true, we don't remember our hard work, just our fun times. Does
seem true I thought.
I added as you get older, with just so much time left, you are caught between
two poles. One is to pull something off, for it's your final chance.
The other is to have a good time with the time you have left. No simple
answer here and the next morning this talk saddened me.