My Family
Be here now
Years ago Baba Ram Dass wrote the iconic book 'Be here now.' It combined Eastern philosophies of meditation with the needs of modern times. The present moment is all we have was its message. Don't get caught up in the past or future or your mind if you want to stay mentally healthy is also the philosophy for the day.
My dad I heard say he was being punished. Just maintaining himself, putting in and cleaning his lenses, his hearing aid with adjustments, and his teeth took a couple of hours a day. Shopping, when able, even with help was an arduous path across first avenue, where bikes and lights and cars could trample his fragile body. I used to warn him not to fall. If he did that would be the beginning of the end. He did and the end came soon. A broken hip, infections even pneumonia, high blood pressure marked his last year.
I doubt he thought of making it to 100, or even celebrating it that much. In a sense he was busy living in the now. How often in a yoga class I would here that. Here my dad was doing so, but with a twist of irony, and at a high cost.