An earthly king
I recall hearing of an Indian yogi who upon seeing a celebrity, a pop singer maybe or even a politician, I forget whom, making the observation ''he's just an earthly king.”
Not too long ago on Facebook there was a video clip of a British group where the lead singer, in a surprisingly enticing and appealing voice, sang “I want to be a royal, royal.” If you listened it was hard not to feel the same yearning.
Presently I'm working on a somewhat tedious and detailed task of making prints of all my works. To ease some of the tension involved and not feel so isolated I have the TV on in the background and recently had it tuned to reruns of the show “Mad Men” featuring super cool adman Don Draper. Draper was a man with a swagger and mystery about him He was confident and seemed to be made out of the elements, a combination of dead on instinct with penetrating assessments. He became a prince of the Madison avenue advertising world, a world I grew up near but in many ways was galaxies away.
Truth be told in certain moments, I also envy these kings of this world. Their needs are served, admiration is theirs, and they receive as much stroking as they need. Their position in this world props them up and they are free to fly and enjoy their colors. Of course, on another level, it's more than envy. As I see the part of myself that would like to be them, I can't fully polarize and judge them as much.
Still, even if miraculously I found myself in their position, it is in my nature to try to figure out everything, to question everything, and at some point I would even question the position I found myself in, even if it was an earthly king.