Godtalk in Small Dosages
As alluded to in some previous writing, people during ancient times heard from God more directly with more direct consequences, often in a group setting. Things have changed as the communication is subtle and more personal and consequences not so harsh. Life has become too compromised for that.
As such a continuous dialogue with the voice of the maker, the 'still small voice' which is what we have today, is not really possible. The reason is that it is linear, and we think in a linear fashion, and if continuous it would lead to verbal agreements and consensus we could not fulfill. Think about it. If you heard 'try doing this' and then 'try that' from above and didn't listen, what then? You failed and time is needed before you speak again. Otherwise it would become nagging. We are too compromised. The good of this is that we hear from the above in subtle and infinitiely intricate and ways. The bad of it is that its not continuous nor laid out in an orderly way. Life is too disorderly to sustain that kind of consistency today.
What seems to work is hearing from above in small spurts. You live, you veer, you become enmeshed, and then you reach up sporadically or hear some words unexpectedly. Your appeals aren't always responded to at the moment but when the time is right. The voice at least for me has been short and directive if needed If a practical suggestion is available, I hear it. If there is no suggestion given, I notice the silence. The communication deals with what is and without harsh judgment. Some words received at various times might fly right by me because I became distracted and caught up in the multiplicity of life. Eventually I'm drawn back to ask, or speak, or appeal again. Too much separation is not good, and too much communication can't be maintained or accommodated.
And that's how it is these days.