B writes on sibling troubles
(Friend B and I exchanged emails about her difficulty with her brother. From my own experiences and observations I answer.)
Hi Steve,
Just wanted to mention that I heard from my brother recently. He finally apologized for what he said in August. Unfortunately it was too little and too late as far as I'm concerned but I did tell him I was glad that he said he was sorry. Asked him why it took so long. His response: "I was waiting for you to apologize to me." This made no sense to me since I'm innocent. The bottom line is that we're too different to be able to communicate rationally with each other. We don't understand one another at all.
And so it goes...Be well!
Hey B,
Yes, interesting follow-up. Sibling relationships are the toughest to resolve....there always seems a hope to it, but then it stings. The pull is that you're the only ones who share a common one else knows what you were from...but often our conclusions in life are diametrically opposed and it's hard to get a common ground....but at least his apology is something....deathly silence also has a sting.
Well said, Steve......Hugs, B